Measuring Success – Part 3/3: The Measurement Toolkit
Unlock actionable insights with essential tools for precision in measurement, tailored for small datasets.
Show Me The Data is a curated collection of articles that explore ideas from adjacent disciplines to help you make better business decisions.
Unlock actionable insights with essential tools for precision in measurement, tailored for small datasets.
How does one measure intangible things like “public image,” “innovation,” or “IT security”? Despite what you might think, these things are not “unmeasurable.”
The single most effective thing organizations can start doing to be more data-driven is understand how to get the most from their metrics and measurements.
Introducing a better approach for measuring the cost of bad data to your business. No hand-waving required.
Your conversion rate metrics are lying to you in subtle ways. Can you avoid the hidden traps when using conversion rates to set targets?
How much does a sample of 1 tell you about a particular metric or measurement? The answer will surprise you.
How can you count things like to total number of fish in the sea, or drug users in a city, when you can only see a small subset of the population?